Explore Digital Tools
Improve in-field decision making with our range of powerful tools.
BASE tools are available to all Contour users, free of charge:

Satellite Imagery
Satellite imagery, including high-resolution NDVI and GCVI, is available to all customers to monitor crop biomass, health, and performance. Crop growth stage estimations can be derived from crop structure, crop biomass and Leaf Area Index (LAI), necessary for planning applications and yield potential.
ClearSky imagery, exclusive to RHIZA, provides cloud-free images every six days, ensuring reliable monitoring throughout the growing season. Additionally, Soil Brightness imagery, derived from near-infrared satellite sensors, helps define soil management zones by highlighting variations in the topsoil profile. Together, these tools enable timely planning and informed decision-making.

Hyper-Local Weather Data
Our advanced weather models, with satellite and radar data accurate up to 1km², provides comprehensive information on temperature, wind speed, soil moisture, and soil temperature. This data helps farmers determine optimal conditions and timing for drilling, spraying and key tasks integral to farm efficiency and productivity, on an individual farm level.

Pest & Disease Forecasting
Pest and Disease models, produced from weather-driven analysis, accurately forecast and predict real-time pest and disease pressures, unique to individual farms. These allow farm tailored use of pesticides and product uses; better aligning applications with actual pest and disease risk, with improved timeliness and efficacy. Minimisation of waste and overuse, reduces costs, resistance build-up, and promote sustainable agricultural practices while ensuring healthier crops and efficient farming operation.

Contour Mobile
Field walking and crop scouting is integral to identifying early and ongoing signs of weed, pest and disease pressures that may affect crop performance. Our free of charge mobile app allows real-time recording of observations directly in the field, both by farmers and agronomists. Identification of trends and having the ability to track this overtime can prioritize interventions and optimal decision-making.

Cropping & Observation Data
Access to field-specific real-time and historic data, essential for effective long-term planning, can be accessed on our desktop platform, complemented by data from the mobile app. Combining and tracking cropping details, including variety, seed rate, nutrition and drilling date, with past field performance from yield data, satellite imagery, and in-field observations, provides an integrated platform for optimising farm management and potential.

Soil Data
With our in-house soil mapping and sampling team, we can measure critical soil properties, understand variation and provide tailored soil and crop management advice.
Our soil variation maps, derived from satellite imagery, EC Scanning and farmer knowledge provide a comprehensive view of soil variation. Nutrient levels, pH, texture, calcium and organic matter content, alongside variability, validated by Cranfield University and the James Hutton Institute, are critical to effectively managing soil. These soil management zones along with tailored nutrition and seed amendments enabling precise input management and improved farm outputs.
Additional layers of precision to suit your business. Pricing calculated per hectare.

Easily create variable rate seed plans based on your soil data or chosen imagery layer. Add scouted observations or draw polygons to fine-tune maps, addressing variation in establishment. VR seed helps remove limiting factors to crop success from the first application to your field.

Optimise applications to crop need and target input spend. Choose to variably apply either P&K, lime or nitrogen products. Soil results allow for Base fertiliser plans either whole field or
VR. Biomass, optical & ClearSky imagery are available, providing access to regular biomass imagery to react to crop variation and fine-tune nitrogen applications in season.

Lime Planning
Often the forgotten nutrient, lime needs
the same level of thought and accuracy
as the rest of your nutrient plans. Our
simple-to-use planning tool allows you to
correct and maintain soil pH, ensuring full-use efficiency of your other recommendations as well as promoting soil health.
All the relevant data and support your business needs, in one place. Available on request.

Nutrient Management Plan
RHIZA’s NMP tool allows you to plan, track and confirm your nutrient applications throughout the growing season. Grass, combinable, forage and veg crops can be planned on. Combining organic and inorganic fertilisers and variable rate applications, this intelligent tool ensures that you meet government regulations around compliance.

The livestock and nutrient management
planning tool allows users to make compliant plans with ease. RHIZA’s FACTs qualified advisers will streamline manure management
and other input processes, saving your
business time.

Optional Support
All RHIZA packages can be supported by a
dedicated FACTS qualified account manager to interpret the data and assist with the decision
making throughout the year.
Join Today
Discover your farm’s true potential.
RHIZA provides independent, stand-alone services to support your business. You can start at any level to suit your farm.
To talk to one of our support experts about what RHIZA can do for you, email info@rhizadigital.co.uk or call 03300 949150
© RHIZA. All rights reserved. RHIZA is a trading name of Masstock Arable (UK) Limited who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 710790). RHIZA is authorised to act as a credit broker and not as a lender Rhiza is a trading name of Masstock Arable (UK) Limited. Masstock Arable (UK) Limited Head office; Station Road, Andoversford, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 4LZ Register in England 02387531.