JULY, 2021


Share observations using your favourite messaging services

Staying connected and sharing in-field observations has never been easier! The latest update to Contour Mobile is all about bringing farmers and their advisors closer together, helping you work as a team to spot issues early and achieve great results.

To enable you to communicate your findings as easily as possible, we’re pleased to announce that you can now share observations directly from Contour Mobile via your favourite messaging applications such as WhatsApp.

Here’s a full breakdown of the new functionality:

  • Users can now share links with growers or advisors working on the same farm which take the recipient directly to observations within the Contour Mobile app.
  • Instant sharing options are built in for all major messaging platforms, including WhatsApp, Teams, Messenger, text message, and email.
  • Link recipients can immediately view any pictures taken, polygons drawn, or associated notes, as well as precise location on the farm. Observations can be shared as soon as they’ve been saved.

Experience expanded viewing space and improved planning ability in Contour’s new layout


More space means better accessibility! The latest update to the Contour platform is all about giving farmers and advisors more flexibility whilst viewing maps and making plans. Improved navigation changes also allow a more user-friendly approach to using Contour on laptops, mobile devices and tablets. You will be able to adjust plans, view maps and access all the information you need to take the best course of action, even when in the field.

To enable you to navigate around the platform as easily as possible, the improved Contour platform now uses smaller fixed menus and expandable sidebars to provide more space whilst retaining functionality.

Here’s a breakdown of the latest updates:

  • Smaller fixed menus and enhanced design makes it easier to adjust plans, check satellite imagery and assess pest or disease risk, even while out in the field – ideal for small screens or laptops.
  • In ‘Planning’, users can expand or collapse the new sidebar navigation to create more space on the screen.
  • An improved view of four maps in ‘Maps and analysis’ allows for better comparisons and clearer indications of progress.


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