New: Create and Edit IPM Plans in Contour
Release Note
Today’s update is the launch of our Integrated Pest Management planning (IPM) tool in Contour.
This is the first in a suite of tools that will be developed into the Contour platform over the coming 6-8 months, that will allow agronomists and advisers to plan and support farmer SFI applications. Whilst IPM is considered the foundation of good agronomy practices, this tool in Contour allows a fast and easy way to record and report on actions that have been taken, unlocking the potential £1129 payment for the grower under SFI.

- The options in the plan cover arable, horticultural and grass land uses
- Plans are created per farm per year (plans can be created for multiple farms at once if practices allow)
- Multiple plans can be created for the same farm and year, for example if you need to create a plan for the grass operation and another for the arable operation
- The IPM template is compliant for SFI applications for IPM1
- Coming soon: PDF report of IPM plans and the ability to duplicate a plan for future years
Here’s how:
- Navigate to the account and click on the new “Environmental” tab in the top menu
- This home page will list any plans that have been created for all farms on that account and for all years
- The most recent plans show at the top of the table
- Select “New plan + “ to enter the form builder and create your plan
- In the details page, select one or more farm(s) and a harvest year.
- Name the plan (this has to be unique for the account)
- You can create multiple plans for the same farm and year if needed (e.g. one for grass and one for arable) and name them accordingly
- Enter your BASIS number (required for the IPM1 SFI action)
- Select the options in each step that apply to the selected farm(s) and year and leave blank the ones that don’t apply
- For step 3 (Monitoring), it is compulsory to select a frequency for each activity
- Once completed and saved, your new plan will show in the listing page. From the three-dot menu, you can edit or delete the plan
The PDF report and duplicate plan function will follow shortly, in the next three weeks.
Log in to Contour to check out the updates today, and please send any feedback you may have to to help us keep improving.